
[ESC2009]Dahlof教授谈KYOTO HEART研究

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/3 19:00:00


1. 如我们所知,JIKEI Heart Study和KYOTO Heart Study两个研究都是在日本进行的,而且您都有参与,请问这两个研究有什么联系和区别吗,比如入组人群、试验程序、终点选择,尤其是结果上?这些结果有什么启示作用呢?2. 随着亚洲生活方式的日益西化,代谢综合征的发生也日益增加,KHS研究特别纳入了代谢综合征患者,您认为对于合并代谢综合征的患者,用药方面有什么特别之处,缬沙坦在这方面有何优势?

International Circulation:  We see the lifestyle in various Asian countries – could be Japan or China especially, are becoming increasingly westernized and the occurrence of metabolic syndrome is increasing.  The KYOTO HEART study included hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome.  Was there any particular advantage of valsartan on these patients and special treatment perhaps that we can learn?

《国际循环》:我们注意到,在各个亚洲国家(尤其可以是日本或中国),生活方式正逐渐西方化,而且代谢综合征的发生也在增加。而KYOTO HEART研究中也纳入了合并代谢综合征的高血压患者。缬沙坦对于这些患者而言有无特殊优势,我们可以从中得到什么关于治疗方面的启示吗?

Dahlof:  I think that the metabolic profiles of these patients are they are prone to get diabetes One consistent effect of valsartan from both studies  is the prevention of new onset diabetes. New onset diabetes is very much a consequence of metabolic syndrome.  So I think that both studies very much confirmed that giving valsartan to these kinds of high risk patients is really worthwhile for metabolic point of view.

Prof. Dahlof:这些(代谢综合征)患者在代谢方面的异常导致他们易患糖尿病,因为糖尿病很大程度上是代谢综合征的结果之一。而KYOTO HEART研究结果再一次明确了缬沙坦对代谢的有益影响,新发糖尿病风险下降了33%。即缬沙坦对于高危患者代谢综合征的预防和治疗都很有价值。

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