[ACC2010]对II型糖尿病患者而言,血压控制在减少心血管死亡和全因死亡方面的作用--William C. Cushman教授专访

国际循环 2010/3/16 16:40:00

<International Circulation>:

Could you please introduce the clinical outcomes of the ACCORD trial?

<Prof Cushman>:  

The ACCORD blood pressure trial comprised 4700 of the over 10000 participants in ACCORD, who were randomized to either a systolic blood pressure goal of 120mmHg or a systolic blood pressure goal of 140mmHg. We did a very good job of getting them down to the less than 120mmHg. There was a 14mmHg difference in systolic blood pressure between the two groups and overall the major cardiovascular outcomes of dying from cardiovascular disease, stroke or heart attack were not benefitted by this lower goal. Now stroke was benefitted but it occurred at a fairly low rate in our population, much lower than what we had expected. The risk was reduced by about 40%, but it was a fairly low rate to begin with.

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