
[AHA2011]心房颤动治疗研究进展——Thomas Dewland教授专访

作者:  ThomasDewland   日期:2011/11/14 14:59:29



     <International Circulation>: You apparently had a case where a VT storm was terminated by a intracoronary injection.  The editors at International Circulation are very interested to hear more about this and the details of the episode.

   《国际循环》:您似乎有一个病例是关于心内注射引起了VT storm的终止。作为国际循环的编辑们,我们对于这个病例和其具体细节非常感兴趣。
    Prof. Thomas Dewland:It was a very sick patient who had a lot of coronary artery disease who came into the hospital with intractable VT and, despite all other pharmacologic interventions we could provide, he continued to remain in this rhythm.   It wasn’t until the patient was taken to angiography and received an injection into the right coronary artery that causes this rhythm to break.  It was subsequently found that he had quite a severe disease in the right coronary distribution.  Whether it was us that dislodged some plaque or caused changes in autonomic tone that brought about the change in rhythm is unclear.  After stenting the patient he remains VT rhythm-free.  After about one year I saw the patient and, despite his advanced age and multiple other medical co-morbidities, he seemed to be doing pretty well.  

    <International Circulation>:  So pulling him out of that rhythm seemed to put him back on track then?

    Prof. Thomas Dewland: Once we revascularized that region of the myocardium and whether recurrent ischemia was causing some issues with intercellular conduction or some other predisposition to ventricular arrhythmias is unclear.  We have all be postulating how revascularization in this setting resulted in nearly full resolution of his arrhythmic symptoms.   


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

ICD CRT可穿戴式体外除颤器WCDThomas Dewland

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