
[AHA2011]指南解读与调脂治疗进展——Neil Stone 教授专访

作者:  N.Stone   日期:2011/11/17 14:48:34


<International Circulation>: The emphasis now in ATP4 and JNC8 is on evidence. Obviously evidence-based guidelines lead to better medicine but do you really feel they lead to better implementation? Isn’t the key point whether guidelines are actually used or not?

    <International Circulation>: You mentioned that the guidelines were heavily focused on LDLc and that HDLc and triglycerides will not be part of the guidelines. How does that work?

   《国际循环》: 您曾提到指南更关注于LDL-c和HDL-c,而甘油三酯并不是指南的一部分,这是为什么呢?
    Prof. Stone: The first two questions are examining the issue of LDL cut-offs in secondary and primary prevention. The third issue has to do with the efficacy and safety of medications. Most of the medicines are LDLc-lowering drugs so the other drugs are used for other purposes. In that sense, there will be something about those drugs. The focus, like it was in ATP3, is on LDLc.

    Stone教授:  前两个问题是研究LDL分层的一级和二级预防的。第三个问题是有关药物的疗效和安全性的。大多数药物是降低LDL-c的,因此其他药物用于其他的目的。从这个意义上说,将有一些有关这些药物的东西。焦点是,例如作用于LDL-c的ATP3。
    <International Circulation>:How do you personally feel about LDLc, triglycerides and residual risks? How important do you think this is in the whole topic of lipid management?

   《国际循环》: 您个人如何看待LDL-c、甘油三酯以及剩余的风险?您认为这在最高级别的脂质处理中有多重要?

    Prof. Stone: I think that needs to be looked at in the context of the guidelines. There you will see a framework starting with risk and how you approach the framework of risk and how that informs on drug use like statins and if they can’t tolerate statins, other drugs. I don’t want to get sidetracked by issues that really confuse the whole area.

    Stone教授: 我认为这需要结合指南(制订)的背景。在指南中你将看到开始的风险的组成、你如何达到风险组成以及如何应用他汀类药物,如果患者不能耐受他汀类药物,需要了解其他药物的情况。我不想将问题搁置一边,从而使整个问题变得更加迷惑。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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