
[WHC2011]中心血压测量方法与内皮细胞功能研究进展——Alberto Alvolio 教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/11/23 16:57:21



    <International Circulation>:We are seeing changes in the endothelium that end up affecting high blood pressure and the formation of collagen that are happening indirectly because the endothelium is changing and causing a cascade of effects. 
    Prof. Alvolio : With the advent of molecular biology, these pathways are being identified and it is quite exciting to see if in fact like the endothelial was once thought to be a lining of the blood vessel and now it is an active part of the circulatory system. Similarly with arterial stiffness, the elasticity was thought to have been mainly related to blood pressure, but can this stiffness property be modified through these cellular and molecular processes. We’ve seen the effect salt and now we’re starting to understand some these mechanisms.

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

中心血压波形算法内皮细胞Alberto Alvolio

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