
[ISC2013]SPAN-100卒中量表及卒中合并肺栓塞及无症状性心房颤动治疗——美国梅奥诊所Alejandro A Rabinstein教授专访

——美国梅奥诊所Alejandro A. Rabinstein教授专访

作者:  A.A.Rabinstein   日期:2013/3/1 13:29:29


<International Circulation>:我的第一个问题是,对缺血性卒中预后有预测作用的卒中评分量表很多,您最近提出SPAN-100卒中评分,能介绍一下吗?

<International Circulation>:What is it about stroke that causes PE?
Rabinstein:Immobility is certainly one of the major factors. A large majority of PE happens because of a preceding thrombosis, particularly in the legs. And in patients who are immobile because they are paralyzed are at a greater risk of developing clots in the leg. In the case of hemorrhagic stroke, whenever you are bleeding in the brain you have subsequent pro-coagulation situation in which the body is trying to heal. The coagulation cascade is activated and that can produce additional risk for thrombosis. So, those are factors and whether there are other factors other than stroke that increase the risk of DVT and PE remains more debated. The same responses that you would expect for the occurrence of PE in other populations are going to also apply without any major differences.

  <International Circulation>:卒中导致PE的原因是什么?

<International Circulation>:So when you have these complications with stroke and PE at the same, what can you do in that situation?
Rabinstein:When it’s a hemorrhagic stroke, it’s much more complicated. When an ischemic stroke, if the stroke is very large anticoagulation and thrombolysis may be problematic, but if it is a hemorrhagic stroke and it is a fresh, hemorhagic stroke then it’s really important because anticoagulation and thrombolysis are contraindicated. So in those cases is the PE is causing hemodynamic instability, biventricular failure, which can be potentially life-threatening, in those cases you have the option of an endovascular approach to try and mechanically take care of the clot. If you cannot anti-coagulate it the PE itself and it is not life-threatening we try and use intra-vena cava filters to try and prevent a new, PE until the patient can be safely anticoagulated.

  <International Circulation>:如果发生卒中和PE,您会怎么做?

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