

作者:国际循环网   日期:2015/11/1 13:04:18



  编者按:近年来,随着基因组学,蛋白组学和系统生物学的迅猛进展,大量生物信息的不断涌现,确定心血管疾病生物标志物已成为一种迫切的需求,目前正不断从定义到方法学上规范化。有关生物标志物对心血管疾病的预测价值,《国际循环》编辑部采访到美国波士顿曼彻斯特大学Ernst J. Schaefer教授。

  International Circulation: Dr. Shepherd, I have some questions about bio-markers to ask you. The first one is that the risk prediction of cardiovascular disease is important for patient intervention. So in additional to the traditional markers, what are the new predictions and strategies have we found in recent years?


  S: Well, the marker that people are now started to use in risk prediction in addition to the stairs one will be the C-reactive protein, like protein A is another, and small dense LDL cholesterol is another. So those three markers are grade for heart disease. And as to heart failure, it will be N-terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide or NT - pro BMP, they are all great markers for heart failure, and treating people to prevent them from having to go the hospital before heart failure.


  International Circulation: So how to recognize and judge the sensitivity and specificity of these markers?


  S: Yeah we do that with something called c statistic and the area under the receiver operated curve, and that is how we predict. And also whether you reclassify risk base time on your marker, for example the family history is also the important question. So I will say family history, C-reactive protein like protein A, and small dense LDL cholesterol will be the next makers that people will be adding; and those actually also being measured here in Beijing, they are in a large population study.


版面编辑:zhangshuo  责任编辑:徐竞鸥


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