
[WCC2012]食盐摄入与心血管疾病——Thomas Gaziano教授专访

作者:  ThomasGaziano   日期:2012/4/28 17:32:40


Dr. Gaziano:…about 25% of the working age population. In the US it is around 9-10%; up to 40% in South Africa and 30% in India, so almost three-fold at times. In the high income countries between ages 35 and 65

  Dr. Gaziano:…about 25% of the working age population. In the US it is around 9-10%; up to 40% in South Africa and 30% in India, so almost three-fold at times. In the high income countries between ages 35 and 65, the most productive years, around 10% of these people have cardiovascular events occur during that period and up to four times that in the developing countries which means up to 40% of the population has MIs and strokes between 35 and 65. So these are the real productivity losses related to chronic disease and particularly cardiovascular disease. The healthcare costs are part of it as well and it is prudent for all countries to tackle this issue even just based on healthcare costs.


  <International Circulation>: How much does the UK example apply to China? Dr Smith made the point that maybe it doesn’t apply today but it may begin to apply in the future. How much do you think these examples from developed nations apply to developing nations?


  Dr. Gaziano:I think they apply in the sense that even if China, which has a lower sodium consumption and production level, any response to this intervention by reducing the sodium by half as much as the UK and getting a 5% reduction, we showed in our analysis that it is still cost-effective and it is still a cost-saving intervention. In these countries, the worst case scenario where only 30 or 40% of salt is consumed by people, if you reduce that proportion by 10% so the overall reduction would be 3-4%, that is still a cost-saving strategy. My belief is, just like everything else that is going on with this disease pattern and this is what economic development has sadly been about, is the proportion of the food we get outside of the home in the developing countries has grown enormously as it did in the developed countries as well. The numbers of McDonalds, KFCs, etc are burgeoning in these populations so the exposure to processed foods is rapidly growing as a source of calories.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

食盐CVD Thomas Gaziano

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