随着人口老龄化加剧,退行性病变所致心脏瓣膜损害日益凸显。定量及评估瓣膜反流是临床医生为此类患者作出治疗决策的重要依据。在2014 AHA年会现场,关于功能性二尖瓣及三尖瓣反流的评估及治疗,《国际循环》记者采访了梅奥诊所Maurice Enriquez Sarano教授。Sarano教授主要致力于多普勒超声心动图、瓣膜性心脏病和左室功能不全的研究。
International Circulation: We are here with Dr. Sarano. We have 4 questions, the first one is how to assess functional ischemic mitral regurgitation? And for the severe, should repair or replace?
Dr. Sarano: Thank you for the question, the way to assess is evidently by doppler echocardiography and the way we do it is not just by using color flow imaging but by doing quantitation of the mitral regurgitation using the PISA method and other methods combined to assess how much regurgitation there is and we measure the effective regurgitant orifice and the regurgitant volume knowing that we call functional mitral regurgitation when the effective regurgitant orifice is more than 20 mm2.
Sarano教授:感谢您的提问。很显然,评估功能性二尖瓣反流的方法是进行多普勒超声心动图检查,而且进行该检查时不能只是进行彩色血流成像还需联用PISA法及其他方法对二尖瓣反流进行定量,以评估反流量到底有多少。此外,还需测定有效反流口面积及反流量。当有效反流口面积大于20 mm2时则称之为功能性二尖瓣反流。
International Circulation: Thank you, the second question is how to assess functional tricuspid regurgitation?
Dr. Sarano: So how can we assess function tricuspid regurgitation is also by multiple approaches using Doppler echocardiography. The first step is to affirm that the tricuspid regurgitation is functional by showing that there is no organic disease of the valve. The second step is by judging how much regurgitation there is by doing the same thing, the PISA method, on the tricuspid regurgitation, not just the flow but we can also look at the reversal of the hepatic venous flow in the hepatic veins. Once we have the assessment of the tricuspid regurgitation we look at the morphology of the tricuspid valve to see if there is a predominant annular enlargement versus a predominant tenting of the tricuspid valve.