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[EuroPCR2009] 药物洗脱支架的应用任重而道远
——Erik Eeckhout教授对话颜红兵教授

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/6/15 15:13:00    加入收藏
 关键字:颜红兵教授 rik Eeckhout 药物洗脱支架 
International Circulation: Due to the increasing use of DES in complex lesions, DES restenosis is becoming more and more of a concern. Can you discuss the treatment of DES restenosis? Prof. Eeckhout: We have seen from SYNTAX that when you go up to 10cm of DES with the Taxus stent restenosis was an issue and made the difference between surgery and PCI in the final SYNTAX paper. It is an emerging issue and it is totally unclear if new DES will have restenosis. We do not have the data yet. The data we have on restenosis treatment in DES is scarce. We recently published a paper in CCI on that subject. The results are not good when you have a long in stent restenosis in DES. Using another drug, ‘olimus for example, when you have paclitaxel, the only data we have do not support doing that. As far as drug-eluting balloons are concerned, we don’t have any data yet. It is an open field and we don’t have many answers.

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