
COHERE:Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians.

作者:国际循环网   日期:2004/8/24 0:00:00


J Card Fail. 2000 Sep;6(3):264-71. Rationale, design, and methods for a Coreg (carvedilol) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE). COHERE Participant Physicians. Franciosa JA, Abraham WT, Fowler M, Gilbert EM, Greenberg B, Massie BM, Chen T, Lukas MA, Nelson JJ. Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Cornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, New York, USA.

BACKGROUND: The success of beta-blocking agents in clinical trials of heart failure (HF) has led to a widespread call for their increased use, which assumes these agents will perform as well in the usual care setting. Given the traditional contraindication of the use of beta-blocking agents in HF, and their perception as difficult to use in HF, observing how they perform in the usual care setting could be critical in accelerating their widespread application. Carvedilol is the only beta-blocking agent currently approved in the United States for use in HF.

METHODS: The Coreg (brand of carvedilol; SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, PA) Heart Failure Registry (COHERE) is intended to collect data on outcomes and other clinical variables in a typical HF population and to observe experience with carvedilol in the hands of community practitioners. COHERE does not include any specific patient selection or exclusion criteria. The decision to use carvedilol is entirely at the discretion of the participant physician, based on evidence of HF as judged by assessments the practitioner usually uses. All patients will be followed for 1 year, with information on outcomes and other clinical variables collected and analyzed at baseline, the end of titration, and at 6 and 12 months after reaching the maximum tolerated dose. About 600 participant physicians selected to be as representative as possible of the community practice setting will enroll approximately 6,000 patients.

CONCLUSIONS: COHERE will be the first and largest prospective observational experience with a new treatment, ie, carvedilol, in patients with HF managed in the usual care setting and should provide valuable information about this new treatment in this environment compared with the more rigid clinical trials setting.



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