美国心律学会主席Richard L. Page教授专访
现代体外自动除颤器AED已经应用了十年以上,并且已经成为美国心脏学会的Chain of Survival的一部分。在心律协会,我们非常支持体外自动除颤器应用于公共场所。我的第一项关于AED的研究是在美国航空公司进行,结果发表于2000年《新英格兰医学杂志》,证实在飞机上由于心室颤动导致心脏骤停的患者有40%能幸存下来并最终出院。
International Circulation: Here in China, we are beginning to distribute AEDs to different locations, such as airports and stadiums, and start AED certification training so the devices can be used by medical staff. What can we learn from experiences in US?
Richard Page: There are still some signs in the United States which state “Only for use by medical personnel”. I disagree with having a limitation for who can use an AED. If you have two people and one is trained, certainly have the trained person administer the shock. If someone is untrained, they should still make the attempt to use the device because the device is very simple and safe. The best answer would be for everyone to learn CPR and to learn how to use an AED. In fact, on YouTube and other websites you can actually find free videos teaching people how to use them. Ideally everyone would have some preparation, But even if they don’t have preparation, I think they should go ahead and use an AED rather than wait for medical personnel to arrive.
Richard Page教授:AED是非常简单的设备,一个12岁左右的六年级孩子就可以在没有任何训练的情况下,在一分半钟内了解如何操作AED。同样,近期研究表明,在最低限度了解的情况下,一个人可以成功使用AED。如果我突然出现心脏骤停,我肯定希望有人能用AED来救我,即使他没有经过训练,只是按照简单的说明进行操作。原因是两方面的:一是AED使用简单,另外一个是其造成损害的机会是非常小的。在美国航空公司,一半的AED使用是进行监护,而不是用于意识丧失,绝大多数病例不是室颤,AED可以正确判定是否为室颤,并且仅在适当的情况下建议电击。即使有些人对AED无任何了解,除非心律经由电击而得益,AED是不会允许他或她进行电击的。当需要的时候,应该允许任何人使用AED,而不是等待经过训练的人员的来到。因为如果要等到救护车的到来,存活的机会将显著降低。最好的方案是每个人都学习心肺复苏CPR和学习如何使用AED。实际上,在YouTube网站和其他网络你可以找到免费的AED使用培训视频。但即使他们没有准备,我认为他们也应当冲上去并用AED救人而不是等待医护人员的到来。