

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/11/26 16:02:06


<International Circulation>: I am with Prof Allen. Prof Allen, some studies show that admission to the hospital for heart failure will recur with a 30 to 50 % mortality rate in the next year. What is the major reason for that outcome?

 <International Circulation>:  When a patient is admitted to the hospital their environment changes, which may be an emotional event; is there also an emotional aspect to markers you mentioned?

 Prof Allen : Certainly I think it makes patients confront their disease more directly.  On a day to day basis they may have mild symptoms and have to take their medications but if they are so sick that they are in the hospital, then I think that underneath people understand that potentially their disease is worse and they are confronting higher risks, a change in life, and potentially death.

    Dr Allen:这是肯定的,我认为这样做会让患者更直接地面对他们的疾病。日复一日地,当身体出现轻微的症状时他们会服药,但如果他们虚弱到要入院治疗时,我认为患者会意识到他们的病情恶化了,他们面临更高的风险,生活发生变化,甚至是死亡。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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