
[APCC2011]老年高血压患者治疗及面临的问题——Gary Jennings教授专访

作者:  GaryJennings   日期:2011/5/19 14:45:04



     Gary Jennings  澳大利亚墨尔本贝克IDI心脏与糖尿病研究中心
    <International Circulation>: We know that elderly patients often have a higher systolic pressure, lower diastolic pressure, and an enlarged pulse pressure. What is your approach for treating hypertension in the elderly?


    Prof. Jennings: We now have a major outcome study in people over the age of 80 showing that lowering blood pressure is beneficial. Therefore, there is no question that lowering blood pressure in those patients is a good thing. The question of targets is mostly unresolved at the present time. In the HYVET study, was not brought down to anything like the 140/85 mm/Hg that we are recommending as a target and that must be explored. My clinical view is that most elderly people tolerate having their blood pressure lowered very well and there is no question in my mind that most people would prefer not to have a stroke before they pass away. Therefore, reasonable treatment of hypertension, taking into account the lower tolerability in older people of antihypertensive drugs, is the right thing to do.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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