
[CHC2012]2012年慢性完全闭塞血管成形术最新进展——日本Toyohashi 心脏中心Yoshihisa Kinoshita教授专访

作者:  Y.Kinoshita   日期:2012/8/27 12:25:28



  International Circulation: Do you think recent evidence to the success of a retrograde approach to CTO recanalization will expand the use of this technique? What technologies or methods are still in need of improvement?
  Dr. Kinoshita: With the introduction of the retrograde approach, the success rate of CTO is improving globally. While it is a common technique in Japan, the retrograde approach is still special in foreign countries. Many doctors have an interest in retrograde approach. In my opinion, the wiring for the antegrade approach needs a more delicate and careful technique. After the introduction of the retrograde approach, some operators have become a little rough and I am afraid that many people do not care about proper wire manipulation. In the PCI field, delicate wire manipulation is very important, in both CTO and other complex lesions. In the CTO field, some doctors who may want to perform a retrograde approach have only limited experience with the antegrade approach. My mentors Drs. Suzuki and Katoh suggest that the antegrade approach is a basic technique and more important than the retrograde approach. If operators cannot manipulate the wire from the antegrade approach well, they will avoid using the retrograde approach because it causes more complications.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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