
[CHC2012]2012年慢性完全闭塞血管成形术最新进展——日本Toyohashi 心脏中心Yoshihisa Kinoshita教授专访

作者:  Y.Kinoshita   日期:2012/8/27 12:25:28



  International Circulation: In order to overcome complications, does it need more people, more practice in other countries?
  Dr. Kinoshita: Of course, practice is important. However, it may be difficult to get appropriate wire manipulation by oneself, actually. Many companies have demonstration kits. Depending on my experience with these kits, I found there is a large discrepancy between the demonstration kit and the clinical, physical experience. Drs. Suzuki and Katoh are attempting to train the next generation of doctors and most doctors can reach a certain level using the proper technology. But using various devices will adequately take some time. In addition, mastering CTO retrograde approach may require instinct and a special sense. That is difficult to acquire.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍


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