
[WHC2013]解析肾脏去神经治疗与自体CD34+细胞治疗——Farrell O. Mendelsohn教授专访

作者:  F.O.Mendelsohn   日期:2013/9/16 14:10:08



  Farrell O. Mendelsohn教授  普林斯顿医学中心

  <International Circulation>:As we know, you have done a histologic study about the anatomic substrate of renal denervation. Would you please tell us what is the anatomic substrate of renal denervation?

  Prof. Mendelsohn:What that means, is to understand how renal denervation works, you have to understand what the target of renal denervation is. In other words, when you do radio frequency energy delivery to the artery wall, or you enter the artery wall by other mechanisms, what tissue are you actually trying to effect? And that’s the meaning behind the anatomic substrate of renal denervation. Because the target of all of these therapies are the renal sympathetic nerves that travel to and from the kidneys. When you injure the artery wall, you are also injuring other cells. You are injuring the lining of the blood vessel to a small extent, you’re injuring smooth muscle cells in the artery wall, fat cells and connective tissue. But those are not the anatomic targets of the this therapy. The target of the therapy is the nerves.



  <International Circulation>:What products about renal denervation have been put into use or are being developed at present?

  Prof. Mendelsohn:That is a very interesting question because there are so many products out there. There are really three leading products that are already commercialized. The simplicity system from Medtronic. The Vessix renal denervation system from Boston Scientific, and the enlightened system from St. Jude Medical, but there are many other companies working on this technology, both worldwide and domestically, in China.


  Mendelsohn教授:这是一个非常有趣的问题,因为已经有很多相关的产品。目前已经上市的主要有三种产品,它们是美敦力的Simplicity系统、Boston Scientific的Vessix肾脏去神经系统和圣犹达医药的EnligHTN系统。当然全世界及中国的很多其他公司也在研发相关产品。

  <International Circulation>:What is the mechanism of autologous CD34+ cells treating refractory angina? And how do you think about its application prospects?

  Prof. Mendelsohn:The CD34 cells actually serve as a mechanism for delivering multiple growth factors to the tissue, and the concept is that these cells will stimulate new blood vessel growth, and collateral growth. The prospects for this therapy are very good for both refractory angina and significant peripheral artery disease. There are many other stem cell products and gene therapy products that are being investigated for these clinical applications. Much research, however, still needs to be done to find a therapy that consistently works for patients and can be approved for routine clinical use.





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