Long-term (2-4 year) weight reduction with metformin plus carbohydrate-modified diet in euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic, midlife women (Syndrome W).
作者:国际循环网 日期:2004/12/20 0:00:00
Heart Dis. 2003;5(6):384-92.
Mogul HR, Peterson SJ, Weinstein BI, et al.
This preliminary case series suggests that metformin may be an effective long-term adjunct to dietary and other interventions in the treatment of obesity in hyperin-sulinemic patients. A randomized clinical trial of the dual regimen should be considered in nondiabetic women with midlife weight gain and hyperinsulinemia (Syndrome W) and, quite possibly, in additional euglycemic overweight and obese
subjects with documented hyperin-sulinemia and other portentous features of the Metabolic Syndrome.
据美国研究者报道,二甲双胍联合低糖饮食减肥疗法可使具有胰岛素抵抗的肥胖中年非糖尿病妇女的体重保持长期稳定。以前的研究发现,二甲双胍联合低糖、低热量、低生糖指数饮食可使W综合征(代谢综合征的一种早期病变,即中年妇女表现为血糖正常,胰岛素水平升高)妇女体重明显降低。为评价该法的长期疗效,美国学者对21名复诊或年检患者(平均基础体重指数为34.2 kg/m2、平均年龄55.2岁)进行了回顾性调查,进行调查的所有患者在治疗的第一年内体重下降超过10%或体重指数已降至正常,结果发现在随后的第2-4年内90.5%的患者体重保持稳定,其随访时的平均体重与治疗第一年时的体重高度相关。另外受试者空腹胰岛素水平明显下降,且对二甲双胍的耐受好,也没有发生副作用或电解质紊乱的报告。