[CIT2007]冠状动脉多支病变的病人的介入治疗需要一个概括性指南―――Gary Mintz教授现场访谈
作者:国际循环网 日期:2007/4/11 14:08:00
《国际循环》:Pro. Gary Mintz ,I’m a reporter of 《International circulation》, I want to ask you some questions ,Do you think whether we should control the number of stent implantation for patients with multi-vessel coronary artery lesions?
Gary Mintz教授,您好!我是《国际循环》的记者。请问您认为对于那些冠状动脉多支病变的病人来说,是否需要控制植入支架的数量呢?
Gary Mintz教授:Very hard to do that. First of all, stents can have different sizes and different lengths, and interventionists must have the ability to use additional stents necessary, I do however think that there could be some guidelines rather than absolute control. Guidelines that suggest what makes sense in terms of stent/lesion ratio and so on. But the same multiple stents will give 1 stent of 30mm long, or if two stents of 15mm long. What do you want to control? That’s a very common situation. So rather than setting rules for control, it makes more sense to have some general guidelines.
《国际循环》:Oh, thanks. The next question is one of several complications of transradial coronary intervention is the radial artery…?
Gary Mintz教授:Yeah, the question is when it helps best to select patients for transradial catheterization. To be honest, the best person to ask it is Doctor Saito. Doctor Saito has maybe one of the largest experiences to radial catheterization in the world. He’s back here someplace.
《国际循环》: OK, thanks.
好的,谢谢。 版面编辑:国际循环