
[WHC2009]Alberto Zanchetti教授谈生活方式干预与心脑血管疾病预防

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/5 9:31:00


International Circulation: Can you outline the role of lifestyle intervention in the prevention of cardiovascular disease? 国际循环:请谈谈生活方式干预在心脑血管疾病预防中占有怎样的地位?

International Circulation: Can you outline the role of lifestyle intervention in the prevention of cardiovascular disease?

Alberto Zanchetti: Lifestyle intervention is certainly very important because it can influence various risk factors. Such interventions, if they are followed-up early in life are an important preventative activity. The fact is that they are not easy to be instituted because the way of eating, the way of working are established by long traditions and by society.  However changes can be done. For example, the campaign against smoking and the forbidding of smoking in public places and so on, has been effective in many places in Europe. In Italy, I would never have believed this would be successful but it was very quickly accepted. It shows that such changes can be made. So the advice is to reduce dietary salt, not to smoke and to eat fewer fats and this is should be started with young people, since changing lifestyle becomes more difficult at older age.

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