
[ESH2010]高血压患者MAU及心血管事件的早期预防——Dr.Eberhard Ritz专访

作者:  E.Ritz   日期:2010/6/19 11:38:00



 《国际循环》:高血压患者常合并靶器官损害。微量白蛋白尿(MAU)是靶器官损害的危险因素之一。目前, 我们是否有有效的手段来预防MAU发生或逆转其进展?  

   <International Circulation>:  Hypertensive patients often suffer from the complication of organ damage, and microalbuminuria (MAU) is a risk factor for organ damage. Are there any truly effective measures to prevent and reverse the progress of MAU in hypertension patients presently?  What can we do? 


   Prof. Ritz: Well there are several approaches because there is not one single cause of the microalbuminuria.  To start with the non direct therapies of course, weight loss, salt reduction which is very important and good interventions, blood pressure lowering and specifically the renin angiotensins are the most important interventions in the patient with diabetes.  Of course hemoglobin A1c has an enormous impact that has been underestimated in the past, perhaps very well been documented in the ADVANCE study.  But we have multiple approaches and the best is to have a healthy lifestyle.

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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