

Serum levels of C-reactive protein in patients with stable coronary artery disease: JUPITER in perspective.

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/12/6 16:23:40


BACKGROUND: The JUPITER trial has recently demonstrated an outstanding reduction of cardiovascular events by 20 mg rosuvastatin/day in subjects with high CRP who were apparently healthy at baseline.

    Saely CH, Rein P, Vonbank A, Drexel H.
    BACKGROUND: The JUPITER trial has recently demonstrated an outstanding reduction of cardiovascular events by 20 mg rosuvastatin/day in subjects with high CRP who were apparently healthy at baseline. However, absence of atherosclerosis in JUPITER was based on the subjects’ history and not proven objectively.
    METHODS: To put the results of JUPITER in perspective, we evaluated serum CRP in a consecutive series of 703 statin-naïve Caucasian patients with angiographically proven stable CAD.
    RESULTS: From these stable CAD patients, only 69.2% met the ≥2.0 mg/l serum CRP inclusion criterion of the JUPITER trial. Median CRP [interquartile range] in our CAD patients was 3.3 [1.6-6.6] mg/l, which was significantly (p<0.001) lower than the median CRP in JUPITER (4.2 mg/l).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results point to considerable subclinical atherosclerosis in the patients studied in JUPITER. The impressive results of that trial may not be generalizable to healthy populations all over the world.


版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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