
[ACC2013]ACC未来发展及中国心血管研究的国际影响——ACC 2013候任主席John. G. Harold博士专访

作者:  J.G.Harold   日期:2013/3/11 15:22:31



   ACC 2013候任主席  John. G. Harold博士

  <International Circulation>: Given your thoughts on the ACC education and technology, I was wondering if you could be specific as to what digital platforms you intend to use or technologies you hope to take advantage of.


  Dr. Harold: Essentially, physicians are accessing data more and more form their cell phones. The majority of cardiologists are already using smart phones. The most recent statistics is over 85%. Personally, every cardiologist I know carries a smart phone. Our members are accessing information at the point of care. We are recognizing that people are transferring from desktops to a mobility strategy, either using iPads or smart phones. The college is developing a number of applications to acknowledge and provide valuable services. For example, we have something called ACC Connect. This an electronic directory of our 43,000 members. It has a real time blog as well. You can communicate with the college or you can click a member and instantly bring up their email or phone contact information. We have our CardioSource application which allows access to our college website. This has a treasure trove of material in terms of content. We are trusted agents in regard to the type of content we upload. We have our clinical guidelines there as well. Members have asked us to increase the number of application that they can access at point of care, at the bedside. That is one part of the digital strategy. The other part is making out web platform for user friendly and inter-operable across other web platforms. This is a multi-million dollar five-year plan. Essentially, it is a top-down revolution to improve communication among all our divisions, but also to improve communication with our members, leaders, and to our international chapters. There are now 27 international chapters, and China is one of our largest and most active chapters.


  <International Circulation>: What do you mean by largest and most active chapter?


  Dr. Harold: They are active in the sense that they have many contributions, especially to these upcoming scientific sessions. They hold meetings, such as the Great Wall meeting. They have a news letter and internal communications among themselves. They communicate with the college on a regular basis and have a governor representing China. From a chapter perspective, they are certainly one of the most active chapters that we have. By the way, the whole idea of chapter is to improve communications to our members in a particular chapter.


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