

作者:  Jessep   日期:2010/11/26 16:02:06


《国际循环》:Dr Jessup,您认为预防女性心血管疾病最关键的因素是什么?

   <International Circultion> The Cardio Renal Syndrome diagnosis is increasingly used without a consistent or well accepted definition.  What definition do you think is most appropriate for CRS?

    Dr Jessup:  Cardio Renal Syndrome was a hot topic at this year’s American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, our international congress was on Cardio Renal interactions and crosstalk so there were many lectures about the Cardio Renal Syndrome and how to recognize it and what to do about it.  I wish I could give you the take home message but I believe that it in any patient who is being admitted to the hospital for acute decompensated heart failure and after dieresis the patient’s creatinine is going up and the biomarkers are not decreasing, in other words the patient is not benefitting from diuretics then that is a situation of cardio renal syndrome  - worsening renal sufficiency and no benefit to cardiac function as a result of diuresis.

    Dr Jessup:心肾综合症是今年美国心脏协会科学年会的热门话题,我们开展了心肾综合症或与之相关的国际会议,因此有不少专题是关于心肾综合症及如何认识它和治疗它。我希望能给你带回去的信息,但我相信任何一个急性失偿性心力衰竭的住院患者,经过治疗后其肌酐水平正在上升而且生物标志物没有减少,这就出现了心肾综合症。换句话说,患者并没有受益于利尿剂治疗,这是心肾综合征- 肾功能恶化的情形,利尿并没有充分有效地保护心脏功能。

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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